In Rovaniemi, the capital of Finnish Lapland and the official city of Santa Claus, as he says fiercely to his town hall, the Chinese come. Indeed, more and more are coming to it: Lapland University, about 5,000 members, the northernmost of the European Union, already hold 8 courses and trade programs with the universities of the People’s Republic, and in the coming months initiative of the Beijing government – there will also be a Confucius Institute for the spread of Chinese language and culture. It will be similar to the many widespread omonyms around the world, including Italy.
And in Rovaniemi, he announced the Chinese embassy in Helsinki, hoping to attract more tourists, students and Chinese investment. The former are rising at an annual rate of 50%. Among them, one day, Xi Jinping also came to the post. He also visited a reindeer farm and the alleged Santa Claus in his house among other appointments. Tours not only touristic, of course: in 2016, for example, Beijing bought 84% of the Finnish super-game Supercell game, with an investment estimated at around 6.9 billion euros. In two words: the Confucius Institute of Rovaniemi does not plan between reindeer and lappons as a spaceship isolated from space; is the confirmation of growing interest, not just cultural