renzi-in-cina-2The official visit of the President of the Council in Beijing, Matteo Renzi ‘was the moment in which Italy and China have signed partnership agreements between Italian and Chinese companies for cooperation in the areas of greatest importance for both countries. Renzi has faced the journey aware of the strong imbalance in the balance of trade between China and Italy, amounting to € 13 billion. “A clear defeat,” said the Prime Minister yesterday, which could be resized Expo in Milan next year, for which, in China, are strong expectations, he had explained to his colleagues yesterday Renzi. China will ‘present to Milan with three halls: in addition to the government, there will be’ pavilion managed by the group and that of China Vanke Real Estate Corporate United Pavillion, expression of large industrial groups in China. In his final speech in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, together with the Chinese premier, Li Keqiang, Renzi and ‘stressed the importance for Italy the next twelve months, which will open with the presidency of the EU and will conclude precisely with the event in Milan. “And ‘the year of our partnership can’ have a real turning point – the prime minister said yesterday – And we want Bidding sign of our collaboration.”
  On the political level, the Italy-China business forum, which falls on the tenth anniversary of the strategic partnership between the two countries, has produced a statute establishing a text of the action plan adopted by the two prime ministers, and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry Economic Development of the Italian government and the Chinese Ministry of Commerce on the strengthening of economic and trade cooperation in five areas of cooperation, which are those of green technologies and sustainable development, agriculture and food security, sustainable urbanization, of health ‘and health services, aviation and aerospace.
  The Italy-China Business Forum ‘was an opportunity for the Italian champions to sign agreements with Chinese partners. Among the big names in the industry, there are those of Enel and Finmeccanica. The group distribution of electricity Italian has signed strategic agreements with China Huaneng Group to jointly develop technologies, electrical projects from conventional and renewable sources, carbon strategy and programs of academic collaboration between the respective study centers. With China National Nuclear Corporation, Francesco Starace, CEO and general manager of the group, has signed unaccorod for cooperation and the field of construction and operation of nuclear power plants. “The agreements signed today mark the beginning of cooperation with Chinese companies in key sectors that will be critical to overcome our energy challenges of tomorrow. These understandings, also – said Starace – acknowledge the value that Enel door through its technology and experience in many areas of the electricity sector. ” Starace and ‘then said “confident” that the cooperation with Chinese partners Enel “bring’ benefits for all parties involved.” Finmeccanica and ‘took center stage with two agreements signed during the business forum. The first and ‘the Memorandum of Understanding of the value estimated at 500 million euro Agusta Westland that will provide’ at Beijing Automotive Industrial Corporation 50 helicopters “exclusively dedicated to the tasks of public utility ‘” said in a statement the CEO and Director general of the group, Mauro Moretti. Another company ‘group Finmeccanica, Ansaldo STS has also signed an agreement for the value of € 36 million with United Mechanical and Electrical Co. Ltd. for the construction of plant signaling systems on the lines of some metropolitan city’ Chinese, the coast and the north-east. Among the other agreements signed during the business forum then there are the Memorandum of Understanding of the value of five million Euros between Sogin and another group of Chinese nuclear, General China Nuclear Power, nuclear decommissioning and radioactive waste management The cooperation agreement between the municipality and Invitalia ‘of Ningbo, in eastern China, at the start of a strategic cooperation for the establishment of an “Industrial Park Ningbo-Italy” and formalization of agreements between Genoa and Ansaldo Energia Shanghai Electric for the purchase of shares of the Italian group by Shanghai Electric and the establishment of two joint ventures for the estimated value of 400 million euro. The Italian govenro, through the Ministry of Economic Development, has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the e-commerce group Alibaba to promote greater opportunities’ commercial solutions for businesses who want to be active on the platform of the Chinese giant e Tmall e-commerce.