2014 flying lanterns that , all together, will be launched into the sky at 23 Piazza del Plebiscito, a . Ideal bridge with China, a way to wait for the new year without barrels .

La Lanterna steering wheel was invented in Southeast Asia about two thousand years ago and was used , presumably for military purposes, such as device segnalazione.La tradition, the lantern flying was introduced by Chinese military strategist Zhuge Liang , who lived at ‘ Three Kingdoms era (between 184 and 280 BC. ) and faithful servant of General Liu Bei who was later the founder of the great kingdom of Shu Han . The birth of the lanterns dates back to that period of major battles between the kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu Han . In particular, it recounts the episode in which, Kong Ming, another name by which it is known Zhuge Liang (the lamps bear his name ) used the lanterns flown as a signal to attack the army of Chao Chao for all outposts deployed and the the same time making sure his predictions about the motion of the winds at high altitude needed to fuel the fire Appicato enemy ships .
In eastern countries , as a result , the lanterns were adopted by common people who used them to send their wishes from earth to Heaven , a phenomenon contrary to our express a wish after seeing a ” shooting star ” . Stories and legends, Chinese lanterns have reached our days modifying , over time, in the forms , in the uses and names like Khoom Fay ( the fairies of heaven ) or sky lantern to indicate a couple , becoming a symbol of good fortune with which celebrate special moments and important events. In Northern Thailand lanterns are used throughout the year for spiritual celebrations and other special occasions , such as , engagement parties . The tradition is to offer the lanterns to the gods , because donors can receive in exchange for ” enlightenment ” , as the flame of the lantern which symbolizes wisdom , will guide you on the ‘ right ‘ path . Famous is the rite of Loy Krathong Thai in Phuket that takes place during the full moon of the twelfth month of the Thai calendar (November) where thousands of lanterns are launched in various cities in Thailand. The Yi -peng Northern Festival is really fantastic and it became part of the top holiday destinations for holidays in Thailand. An event for lovers of the Guinness Book of primati.Le lanterns, with their own light, once at altitude are difficult to identify by an untrained eye because, at a great distance take the form of balls of light yellow-orange button ( for classical model in white paper ) that move with slow undulating movements uphill climbs or still in cielo.Una time at high altitude balloons give rise to these extraordinary images . Being very light , the lanterns can be captured by the winds at high altitudes or even mild currents to the ground , giving rise to great stunts suggestione.La lantern uses the same principle of the balloon , while presenting itself with much smaller (the most common can be held arms and are about three feet high ) . The flame heats the air inside the lantern which expands reducing the weight compared to the surrounding air and making them take share in a very short time . The small balloon paper bright salt for about eight to ten minutes , until the time when the fuel runs out and the flame extinguishes.