NAPLES, De Laurentiis: “I DISAPPOINTED? And the others? SUI CORI laugh about it”

” If I were to be disappointed , then the others are supposed to do ? ” . He said the Napoli president Aurelio De Laurentiis , about the defeat suffered by the Neapolitan Sunday evening at the Juventus Stadium , on the sidelines of the conference Citizenship sports to Angevin . The imperative , then, is to turn the page : “I will not speak of the challenge, it is already past 48 hours. We must have the ability to reset and start over .” Chapter closed , then. The patron blue minimizes also the statements of Earl on the eve of the big match on the strength of Naples – for investments – is condemned to win the Scudetto , otherwise the season is a failure : “I have nothing to say, situations are calcium . E ‘ useless reply , we send the other cheek . ” The goal, therefore, is to find strength and enthusiasm during the break to resume racing flag against Parma. No train , then, De Laurentiis who prefers to have his say on the territorial discrimination . ” On choirs territorial discrimination laugh about it because they are one disscacrante . Teasing I think is one . Choirs We can discuss that invite the Vesuvius to sweep everything. When in the early stages of the big cities , we hear phrases against a people , it is almost superfluous to say that it is disgusting. I smile and I take it as an incentive to keep going. “