Sense8 is an American science-fiction television series created by Lana and Lilly Wachowski and J. Michael Straczynski, published on Netflix starting June 5, 2015 and released a second season, consisting of a Christmas special published December 23, 2016 and ten more episodes published May 5, 2017
 The plot. Eight strangers from different parts of the world suddenly develop a reciprocal telepathic connection. Belonging to different cultures, religions and sexual orientations, they then discover that they are sensible, people with an advanced level of empathy who have developed a deep psychic connection with a small group of theirs. As they try to discover, confused, the meaning of their extrasensory perceptions and begin to interact remotely, a man, Jonas, offers to help them. At the same time another enigmatic figure, Whispers, chases them, exploiting their own ability, in order to capture or kill them.
Netflix chooses Naples to celebrate the final of the series ‘Sense8’ which will be available on Netflix from Friday 8 June. The capital of Campania is one of the cities that hosted the set of the final season of the series and, just the evening of the debut on Netflix, hosted an event for a last adventure together with all the fans of ‘Sense8’ at the Bagno Sant ‘ Elena of Posillipo. During the shooting in Naples, the cast of ‘Sense8’ met Gino Sorbillo, an institution for the city that made of its pizza a story of the deep history and culture of the territory. The protagonists of the series, during the shooting, learned from Sorbillo to make pizza and, adding an ingredient each, they created a real recipe ‘Sense8’.
The bath party Elena has had a great success, as purity the first episode of the new series aired concurrently