When you talk about China, lately, you do it for the most part relatively to the great economic expansion of the state which Asia is now the undisputed protagonist. But how the people live in the largest trading power in the world ? We explain the ” Reservoir Dogs ” , which aired the service , “China in a nutshell ,” in which the Hyena Yang shows us , in fact , the dynamics and the routine of the citizens of Beijing, the capital of the famous most populous state in the world. What immediately obvious are the problems and difficulties that the coexistence of such a large quantity of people entails: from health care to the popular birth control – still in force – through the smog and pollution , poor people must really Beijingers engage and elbowing for us to accomplish tasks that are trivial if not discounted : example of all , the meetings specially arranged by the parents to “get betrothed ” the children , who otherwise would not have the time nor the opportunity to meet potential partners . Moms and dads Chinese , therefore, bring their children to the park with a lot of resumes, with the hope of finding him and her potential to tie the lawful marriage .

Yang continues by reviewing many aspects of life in Beijing, the most bizarre eating habits to traditional Chinese medicine , through the thorny issue of the large number of immigrants who came from the countryside to find fortune in the city and often forced to live in ordinary houses and inhumane conditions , and even unable to receive adequate health care coverage as outside their country of residence. It also touched on the key of government censorship on the web, for which more than 30,000 are active operators controlling carefully every single movement of the user, making it impossible for them or blocking access to certain sites or content (Facebook and Youtube are the most famous examples but also the search engines are under close supervision, with the result that it is not possible to “look up” certain topics ) .

Large space in the service of the Hyenas also to the culture and tradition. Many peculiarities of Chinese life are of course completely opposite to those typical of the western world : from marriage to the school system , through the funeral and power . I definitely lighter and funny moments of the service are those in which the poor Yang is sacrificed for the cause of trying to sample a local specialty , the skewers of fried spiders , or one in which we inform you about the various remedies “natural” of traditional medicine Chinese to fight the unfortunate problem of impotence , for example , can be found pills antlers or fish sperm .